21-23 November, 2018
Department of Physics, Assam University Diphu Campus
abstract template
Instructions for preparation of abstract for XI PANE Conference
Author One,1 Author Two,2,* and Author Three2
1 Department of Physics, Assam University (Diphu Campus), Diphu, Karbi Anglong, Assam, India-782462
2 Physics Academy of North-East , Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology ,Guwahati, Assam, India-781039
Abstract: A template and instructions are provided for preparing the extended abstract for the XI biennial national conference of Physics Academy of NorthEast (PANE) 2018. The extended abstract should be limited two page. The write up should begin with an “Abstract:” of the work, the word typed in bold print followed by a colon. Font size should be 10-pt. Times Roman font, single spaced and alignment double (left and right) justified.
1. Introduction
Adherence to the specifications listed in this template is essential for efficient review and publication of submission. The extended abstract should be an explicit summary of the authors’ work to be presented in the conference should state the problem, the methods (theoretical and/or experimental) used, highlight major results and findings along with a conclusion. The content should be divided into sections: 1. Introduction 2. Methods and formulations/Theoretical aspects /Experimental techniques 3. Results & Discussion 4. Conclusions (typed in bold). Citing of references is mandatory. Single space should be left prior and after section heading and paragraph change. No indention is required at start of paragraphs.
Submission should in Word or LaTeX. Page layout: Paper size should be A4 (21cm x 29.7cm). The printing area should be within margins set for a 2.54 cm on all sides.
Title should be left aligned and should be in 16-pt. bold Bookman old style. Use lowercase following colon. Author names should be left aligned in 12-pt. bold Bookman old style font using small caps. Author names should appear with first and middle names followed by surname. All authors affiliations should be styled in New 9-pt. italic Times Roman font. The rest of text of the abstract should be 10 pt. Times New Roman font and single spaced. If all authors share single affiliation, superscript numbers are not needed. The corresponding author will have an asterisk correlating to an email address. Please mention the state, country at the end of the affiliation as shown above.
2. Figures, tables, mathematical equations
Authors may use figures, tables and mathematical equations at appropriate place in the body of the text, if required. The figures should be in jpg and tiff. With caption written below in 9 pt. Times Roman font. Tables should not be in form of grids. Labeling of tables should on top with 9 pt. Times Roman font . Equations should be inserted as Microsoft MathType and should be centered. Equation numbers should appear at the right-hand margin, in parentheses: (1) ,(2) etc. in the order in which they appear in text and referred to as Eqn(1), Eqn(2). The inserted Figures, tables and mathematical equations should be centered and separated from the text by leaving a single space.
References should occur below (after conclusion) in the order in which they are referenced. The font should be 8-pt. Times New Roman aligned left. Lines should be single-spaced. The words “References” should head the section (no number) in bold print followed by one blank line, directly above the first reference. Use of numerical notation in brackets for citations is welcome. At the point of citation in the abstract designate the reference by typing the number in after the last corresponding word [1]. Two references [2,3], should be included together, separated by a comma, while three or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and an en dash [1–4]. Citation style to be followed in citing 1. accepted paper in journals, 2. Books, 3. Chapters in Book , 4. journals and 5. Proceedings is given below
1. P. J. Harshman, T. K. Gustafson, and P. Kelley, “Title of paper,” J. Chem. Phys. 3, (to be published).
2. F. Ladouceur and J. D. Love, Silica-Based Buried Channel Waveguides and Devices (Chapman & Hall, 1995), Chap. 8.
3. D. F. Edwards, “Silicon (Si),” in Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, E. D. Palik, ed. (Academic, 1985).
4. D. Yelin, D. Oron, S. Thiberge, E. Moses, and Y. Silberberg, “Multiphoton plasmon-resonance microscopy,” Opt. Express 11(12), 1385–1391 (2003).
5. N.F. Mott, “The resistance of liquid metals” in Proceeding of Royal Society of London, A 146(857)465-472(1934).